I did that once on a 486 laptop ..what i did..

1) install debian on my desktop PC and do a basic configuration of all the
packages i want
2) take a drive image of that partition using whatever program you like, i
used powerquest drive image.
3) burn the image to a cd
4) make a boot disk with the dos pcmcia drivers for the pcmcia drive
5) boot the boot disk and restore the image to the drive on the laptop

in my case it was kinda tricky since the install said it neded about 440mb
of space, and i have a 540mb hd, but i found myself scrambling to rm -rf
stuff during the install so i'd have enough space(i made a 540mb partition
to install to on my desktop pc)

may not be exactly what you are looking for but it worked perfectly.


On Fri, 31 Dec 1999, Alejandro Flores Jimenez wrote:

flores >
flores >Does anyone know how to install debian 2.13 on a laptop where
flores >the CDROM is connected only via PCMCIA card?
flores >
flores >Thanks
flores >
flores >Alex Flores
flores >
flores >Alejandro Flores Jimenez
flores >Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya
flores >Edif. Nexus-104, Gran Capita`, 2-4, 08034 Barcelona
flores >Phone: +34 93 280 20 88. Fax:   +34 93 280 63 95
flores >e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
flores >http://www.ieec.fcr.es/gps/intro.html (IEEC) 
flores >"Mas vale burro vivo que sabio muerto"
flores >______________________________________________________ 
flores >
flores >
flores >
flores >
flores >-- 
flores >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
flores >

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