On Thu, 6 Jan 2000, Cameron Matheson wrote:

> Hey,
> I am sorry for asking so many questions, but I am only fifteen, so I don't
> have any sort of large income to spend on books.
> I was just wondering if I am logging out of X Windows correctly.  When I am
> at the log-in screen, I am pressing Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, and then
> Ctrl+Alt+Delete.  This cleanly unmounts everything, but I was wondering if
> their was an easier way.
> Thanks again,
> Cameron Matheson
> -- 
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What are you using for your X, xdm or startx??

If you start X using startx just should shutdown your windowmanager. (Some
windowmanagers like windowmaker or fvwm you can go to the menu (left or
right mouse) select windowmanagers and go for exit or exit session. You're
back on the shell. (You can also just press CTRL+ALT Fsomething betweenm 1
and 6 to go to another virtual terminal, in thayt case you should login
as root there, that's what you gotta do too when using xdm.)

You at the shell, you can do all lots of fun things there, but if you just
wanna shut down the computer: shutdown -h now (halt will also do)
For a reboot just do: reboot.

Perhaps you can use this but I just read your question and I gave the
answer to another question... so here another answer.

So you're at the login prompt of X (xdm), personaly I don't like X to
start immediately when I boot, you can prevent this from heppening by just
renaming the xdm file in /etc/init.d/xdm to something else (renaming is
done using mv). You can shut down xdm (read X) by executing (I think it
will work best using a virtual terminal but I might be wrong) the start
script of xdm with the argument stop.

That 'll be:

/etc/init.d/xdm stop

That should work, if it doesn't find the pid on what xdm is running (using
ps aux | grep xdm) and kill the damn thing. You might have to do that


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