Yes, I've noticed the same.  When I do a "ps aux", I get staroffice
using 236MB of memory.  It's certainly not true.  What I actually get is
7 instances of staroffice using 33.7MB each.  I've been assuming that
this really indicates it's using 33.7MB total.  That still means
staroffice is a hog, but at least it's more realistic.


Aaron Solochek wrote:
> I was checking gtop today to see how much memory was going to various
> things, and staroffice was reported as using 500+ megs.  Now, I did just
> upgrade to 512mb of ram, but I have like 200megs of other things in
> memory, so this didn't make much sense.   Also, LCDProc (A program to
> display system info to a LCD) reports 300 and some megs free.  So, whats
> going on here?  I find it hard to believe that staroffice uses that much
> memory.  Anyone else see this behaviour?
> -Aaron Solochek
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Brian J. Stults
Doctoral Candidate
Department of Sociology
University at Albany - SUNY
Phone: (518) 442-4652  Fax: (518) 442-4936

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