Brian Servis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> *- On  7 Jan, Carl Fink wrote about "Re: umount - URGENT"
> > On Fri, Jan 07, 2000 at 01:52:15PM -0500, Michael Stenner wrote:
> >> while it's a good habit to demand successful umounts before removing
> >> media, remember that it IS a cdROM after all.  You're certainly not
> >> going to damage it by just pushing the button and taking the thing
> >> out.  Sure the os will complain, but you'll have the disk in your
> >> hand.
> > 
> > I've hever been able to open a CD drive without unmounting the volume -- the
> > drawer won't open.
> Along the same lines....this is the one mechanism of mac/sun/other(?)
> floppies that I would like to see somehow on x86 machines.  I would much
> rather have a 'soft' eject button like on a cdrom or a software eject
> like the mac/sun floppies rather than a mechanical eject like on the x86
> floppies.
> Does anybody know the fundemental reasons why the x86 platform has not
> adopted such a setup?

This is personal preference, of course, but I hate the "soft button"
setup. To me it seems to be one of those "the machine is smarter than
the operator" type deals, and, in general, my machine isn't smarter
than me (note the "in general";).

My SGI is entirely "soft button". If it crashes sometimes I can't even
turn the power off on it, I end up having to unplug the stupid thing
to reset it!

Of course it wouldn't be a determining factor on my decision to buy a
machine, but it would be a factor.


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