Has anyone got Fortify work with Netscape 4.7?

I have a navigator-smotif package installed and get the following when
I try to fortyfy the binary:

tea:/usr/local/src/Fortify-1.4.5-unix-x86# ./Fortify.sh 
====   Fortify 1.4.5; Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Farrell McKay   ====
==  This software is free for all forms of non-commercial use.  ==
==      Commercial use of this software must be licenced.       ==

"/usr/lib/netscape/47/navigator/navigator-smotif.real" is ....
.... not recognisable.
It is either not a copy of Netscape, or it is a version
of Netscape that is not listed in the Index file.

tea:/usr/home/antipode$ ll /usr/lib/netscape/47/navigator/navigator-smotif.real 
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root      7220976 Sep 16 01:58 

tea:/usr/local/src/Fortify-1.4.5-unix-x86# fgrep 7220976 Index 
7220976  - 74c337138775c23a067444a69cff00eb nav 4.7 0 2 morphs-1.2 
x86-unknown-linux2.0 -
7220976  - 97618a5f4e222880f601fe985ee3992c nav 4.7 2 2 morphs-1.2 
x86-unknown-linux2.0 -

Well, the size is right for the binary... How do I manually check the
md5 checksum?

Thanks for any input!
Arcady Genkin                                 http://www.thpoon.com
"'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
loves man is nailed?..'" (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)

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