sounds like a driver problem..

i have rt8139 card in a caldera box and a eepro100 in a debian box on a
10/100 switch, and i get about 3.4MB/s, i am quite confident the
bottleneck is the IDE drive on the caldera box in my case.

upgrade *both* drivers, grab the latest from nasa's site(forgot the url
off hand search for nasa at


On 8 Jan 2000, Arcady Genkin wrote:

a.genk >My li'l home LAN consists of two boxes, connected via a 100base
a.genk >network. I have a D-link DFE-530TX (via-rhine driver) in my
a.genk >workstation, and an Rtl-8139-based card in my server/nat box.
a.genk >My server box runs FreeBSD, and my workstation runs Debian Linux.
a.genk >
a.genk >I have never been satisfied with my networking performance... The
a.genk >fastest I could ftp large files from the server into workstation is
a.genk >1.5MBps, and a little faster in the other direction.
a.genk >
a.genk >Recenlty I've bought a new harddrive for the workstation, a fast one
a.genk >(7200rpm, with 2MB cache), and decided to first install FreeBSD onto
a.genk >it (to give it a try on a workstation). Believe it or not, I started
a.genk >getting 5.5Mbytes transfers both ways right out of the box. I don't
a.genk >mean to start BSD vs. Linux discussions, but just want to find out
a.genk >*why* my box performs worse under Linux than under FreeBSD...
a.genk >
a.genk >Then I installed potato instead of that FreeBSD installation (i.e.,
a.genk >the same harddrive, same hardware all the way). The transfer rates are
a.genk >pretty dull again. :^(
a.genk >
a.genk >Any thoughts?
a.genk >
a.genk >Some specs of my hardware:
a.genk >
a.genk >,----[ Workstation ]
a.genk >| Celeron 300A
a.genk >| D-Link DFE-530TX nic
a.genk >| Running Potato
a.genk >`----
a.genk >,----[ Server ]
a.genk >| Pentium 166
a.genk >| RTL-8139 nic
a.genk >| Running FreeBSD
a.genk >`----
a.genk >-- 
a.genk >Arcady Genkin
a.genk >
a.genk >
a.genk >-- 
a.genk >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
a.genk >

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