On 8/1/2000 Jim B wrote:

One other quickie: what's the functional difference between
/etc/login.access and /etc/security/access.conf?  When I place
restrictions in the latter, nothing seems to happen, though the files are
in exactly the same format.  What then is the purpose of the one in

/etc/security/access.conf is used by pam_access.so which you need to add to the appropriate PAM service files in /etc/pam.d/ (such as login)

/etc/login.access I am not sure about, I thought it was obsolete but i could be wrong.

as for what your are trying to do not working, I am not sure, I have had problems trying to get access.conf and such to work right as well, either the docs are not quite good enough yet or something is still a bit buggy...

one thing that could be causing the wheel group troubles is the ambiguity caused by gid 0 being called `root' just like uid 0, I personally just made a new group called wheel and use that to enforce the BSD style wheel group (only wheel members may su to root) but I did this more because i got tired of fixing packages which install all there files gid 0 writable. (i don't want halfway root permissions to the filesystem unless i actually switched to root)

just out of curiosity why did GNU/Linux not follow the BSD semantics on the wheel group? and instead name gid 0 root and have it function as root's private (primary) group?

Ethan Benson
To obtain my PGP key: http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/pgp/

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