Good morning Dave, or anyone, really, that might like an easy problem
to resolve.

I'm having a couple problems I'd like to sort out.  I've got a 400mhx
celery chip, w/64 meg ram, a Sound Blaster Live! card, a modem, hard
drive, and other assorted paraphanalia (even a generic Jensen microphone!), 
running the 2.0.36 kernel.  My problem lies with enabling the Sound Blaster
[SBLive] card.

>From what I understand, the Creative has made SBLive opensource, and has
even done work on ensuring it works under RedHat and Mandrake
(, but has not worked on Debian specifically yet.
I've tried to compile the proper modules/drivers that they recommend and
failed miserably because I lack a sound.h header in u/s/k/i/l.

Through my puttering around though, I've gotten quite lost as to what
steps I may or may not have taken.  At this point, I am fairly certain
I do not have the module installed, and with the three days away from
this, I don't remember where I wanted to try puttering next.

Any assistance would be appreciated, and I'd be glad to answer any
secondary questions you'd like to email me.  I'm not beyond going with
unstable, but I haven't been willing yet because I don't want to play
with the Viper v770 card again, should that go haywire again.

Any suggestions that I should use easier to install hardware will be
disregarded due to lack of currency.

                        ---Jstlook @

        "Patience is not my virtue." -- Warriors of Virtue

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