First forgive my frustration, it's been a _long_ painful weekend trying
        to install unstable on a newly upgraded computer :-(

        In any case, I seem to be having serious problesm with the lates
        unstable disks. I could not get the base system installed using the
        menu, because it kep failing during the gunzip | tar -xf stage of the
        base2_t.tgz step.

        Finally tarced this down to gunzip failing. So i gunziped base2_2.tga
        to base2_2.tar on another machien. mounted it's disk, and did the

        cd /target
        tar -xf /installmount/base2_2.tar

        That got me installed. The after fighting with LILO for a whiel, and
        discovering a missing allias in /etc/modutils/alliases for my ne200
        card, I though "Whew, at least i can now turn dselect loose, and sit
        back for a while" WRONG!!

        dselect is unable to gunzip the packages files! The gzip I have on my
        syste is brok! OK, I think I'll just garb the gzip package of the ftp
        site, and use dpks -i to install it. WRONG! dpkg core dumps, probably
        because it's trying to gunzip somethin, I geuss.

        Can some kind soul PLEASE give me some advice on where to go fro here?

        OH BTW I had to ftp to the debain box, because the ftp that's on there
        dies witha can't find error!

        Iam _not_ having a good weekend!

Stan Brown     [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                    843-745-3154
Charleston SC.
Windows 98: n.
        useless extension to a minor patch release for 32-bit extensions and
        a graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system
        originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a 2-bit 
        company that can't stand for 1 bit of competition.
(c) 1999 Stan Brown.  Redistribution via the Microsoft Network is prohibited.

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