I had a similar problem (or as near as I can tell without the error
message).  For some reason, perl-5.005 was not installed completely,
so I went into /etc/alternatives and changed the link `perl' to point
to `perl-5.004' instead of `perl-5.005', everything worked fine after
that.  In other words (as root):

# cd /etc/alternatives
# rm perl
# ln -s /usr/bin/perl-5.004 perl



Thanx for the info. I had another look through the Debian package site for
unstable and had a good dig through the bug reports for some of the things that
failed. I 'think' I may have found a bug report relating to this in perl. I
think it might be a termcap problem, whatever that is. I'll have another look at
it when I get home. I really appreciate Debians extensive system to ensure All
dependencies are met before installation, but it can be frustrating when a
package you want installs things like perl and debconf that you will probably
never use. But , better safe than sorry.


     John Gay

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