it returns the userid of the process, really the only thing that is
popular and needs identd is if you use IRC.  identd can also be used in
combonation with tcp_wrappers to allow/deny certain users, although it is
not that secure, ident can easily be spoofed.


On 9 Jan 2000, Arcady Genkin wrote:

a.genk >What is utility of identd daemon?
a.genk >
a.genk >Also, is it normail that it restarts once every five minutes or more
a.genk >often?
a.genk >
a.genk >,----[ flom logs ]
a.genk >| [ ... ]
a.genk >| Jan  9 23:09:28 tea identd[14851]: started
a.genk >| Jan  9 23:14:36 tea identd[14938]: started
a.genk >| Jan  9 23:19:44 tea identd[14965]: started
a.genk >| Jan  9 23:24:52 tea identd[14997]: started
a.genk >| Jan  9 23:30:00 tea identd[15019]: started
a.genk >| [ ... ]
a.genk >`----
a.genk >
a.genk >Thanks!
a.genk >-- 
a.genk >Arcady Genkin                       
a.genk >"'What good is my pity? Is not the pity the cross upon which he who
a.genk >loves man is nailed?..'" (Zarathustra - F. Nietzsche)
a.genk >
a.genk >
a.genk >-- 
a.genk >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
a.genk >

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