i think it would be worth while to ask a linux-ppc or mklinux mailing list
how they would make boot floppies from macos, im sure there is a way,
rawwrite for mac maybe? im not sure.

6MB of ram will be very tough to get linux installed on, running it won't
be too hard but actually installing it is a pain.  i had enough trouble
trying to install on an 8MB machine(never got it installed actually), i
wish you luck!


On Thu, 13 Jan 2000, Charles O. Hartman wrote:

cohar >(My state: I've used computers for 30 years, but no Intel machines for
cohar >10 [so I don't know modern hardware & interfaces], and Linux never.)
cohar >
cohar >I'd like to install Linux (dip toe in water!) on an ancient Zeos machine
cohar >(AMD 386DX, 6Mb RAM, 120Mb disk). However, this machine has no CD drive,
cohar >and no net connection yet.
cohar >
cohar >1) Is it reasonable to try to install a beginner's system on this
cohar >machine from floppies?
cohar >
cohar >2) Is there a way to do so with only a Mac connection to the net for
cohar >downloading the disk images? (The problem: when a Mac writes or even
cohar >reads an "IBM" floppy, it puts on a couple of hidden files that, though
cohar >just 1k, make a file like "base14-1.bin" not fit.)
cohar >
cohar >3) If the floppy idea is crazy, should I pay MEI-Micro $25 for an EIDE
cohar >controller and $40 for a CD drive?
cohar >
cohar >Sorry for numskull questions; I promise to get smarter if I can get
cohar >Linux going.
cohar >
cohar >Charles Hartman
cohar >Poet in Residence, Connecticut College
cohar >
cohar >
cohar >-- 
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cohar >

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