Philipp Braunbeck wrote:

> Hello folks,
> I'd like to connect a PC running Debian ("zaphod")
> to our server ("trillian") running Suse 6.0. Trillian
> connects to an intelligent Specialix SIO multiserial
> board. Zaphod should connect to this board via ttyS0/1
> using telnet.

Uh, using telnet?  Via SLIP (internet protocol over serial)?  Or do you just 
mean as
a dumb terminal?

> I did actually read all those fine manuals
> and HOWTO's but am still a little confused and could
> need some more comprehensive explanation on how to con-
> figure both client and server, namely port config, tel-
> net config, termcap stuff, and the like.

If as a dumb terminal, for the server, look at /etc/inittab, there should be
something you can comment out about tty on the serial port.  For the client, 
just use
minicom and it should work.

Speaking of which, I can't get a modem dialin to work using those commented 
lines in
initttab.  Any ideas?  It's an internal Rockwell modem, I can dial out with it, 
the modem doesn't answer.  This is on potato, and the inittab line is:

T0:2345:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -x0 -s 115200 ttyS0

If SLIP, sorry, I can't help.

> May the Source be with You.

And also with you. :-)

BTW, you should use tzconfig (I think that's the Slink command, maybe it's 
to set your timezone.

Thanks for any help on the modem question,

-Adam P.

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