as far as i know hwclock is not updated unless the system restarts, or you
update it manually, and ntpdate does not update the hwclock, i have ntp
update my clock every few hours and it has never updated the hwclock in
over a year.  not that it matters i could care less what my hwclock is set
to, currently its like 3 hours off.


On Fri, 14 Jan 2000, Shaul Karl wrote:

shaulk >How can I verify whether the hc (hardware clock) is being synchronize 
to the
shaulk >system clock every 11 min or so?
shaulk >Is the sync operation being logged somewhere? Is there any kernel flag 
shaulk >is being set in order to have this operation done automatically? What 
shaulk >can read such a flag and optionally change its state?
shaulk >
shaulk >In particular, does it being done, perhaps automatically, when I run 
shaulk >
shaulk >
shaulk >-- 
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shaulk >

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