You might try the file or the strings commands in order to learn what kind of 
data these files contain.

> I need an application or plugin for netscape to decode or convert these
> type of files. I "THINK" they are some type of Microsoft proprietary
> file format. Netscape, WordPerfect, Gnotepad,Lyx, StarOffice, and
> nothing else that I have installed or set up will allow me to read
> messages that are sent to me in this format. They are usually sent as
> attachments to regular e-mail. Any suggestions are appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Type: application/ms-tnef
> Encoding: base64
> -- 
> AdVance-Computing Systems
> We sell fine quality servers and workstations.
> We specialize in multiprocessor units. 
> We install Debian Linux at no extra charge!
> John Foster                                
> ICQ# 19460173
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