For some reason when I use ssh to connect to my machine at work the
backspace key no longer works in vim (nothing happens when I press
it).  The backspace key works fine in all other situations, and works
even in vim when I'm at the console of my work machine.  In vim I can 
use Ctrl-h to do the same thing as backspace, but it's a pain.

My .bashrc on the work machine has: 
    stty erase ^h
in it, if that makes any difference.

Can anyone think of what might be going on, or suggest what things I
might try to make backspace work?


Christopher S. Swingley           tel: 907-474-2689 fax: 474-2643
930 Koyukuk Drive, Suite 408C     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK  99775                     ~cswingle

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