Quoting J Horacio MG ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> I acquired a graphics tablet and a ps/2 mouse.  I wonder if it's
> possible to have them both working together, or whether there's another
> solution to it.
> The tablet & pen specifications are:  3-button cordless (cell powered) 
> pen and a tablet with a serial port connection.
> I got the ps/2 mouse in the hope that it would be feasible to connect it
> to the aux port and have the tablet connected to the serial port at the
> same time, but since the tablet box says it is "the ultimate mouse
> replacement", I fear it won't be possible to have them both working
> together.
> So, providing the tablet works at all with Debian, what's the way to go
> to have them both working?

This /etc/gpm.conf isn't exactly the same, but shows that gpm, for one,
can run two devices at the same time:

append="-l \"a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\" -M -m /dev/t
tyS0 -t ms -l \"a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\""

(The devices are a ps2 touchpad and a serial mouse.)


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