I did not fully understand you. Does or doesn't the BIOS get the right time
after the system is shutdown?

In any case, there are hw K scripts:
[18:17:27 /tmp]$  ls /etc/rc?.d/*hw*
/etc/rc0.d/K25hwclock.sh  /etc/rc6.d/K25hwclock.sh  /etc/rcS.d/S50hwclock.sh
[18:22:27 /tmp]$ 

Note that your system somehow got S instead of K for rc0 and rc6.

I am running unstable.

[18:27:00 /tmp]$ dpkg -l util-linux
| Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name           Version        Description
ii  util-linux     2.10d-5        Miscellaneous system utilities.
[18:27:31 /tmp]$ cat /etc/is
isapnp.conf   isapnp.gone   issue         issue.mgetty  issue.net
[18:27:31 /tmp]$ cat /etc/issue
Debian GNU/\s potato \n \l

[18:27:45 /tmp]$ 

> Hi all,
> Since the BIOS clock in my PC at home is lagging behind more than 10
> minutes per week, I looked into the correction mechanism of hwclock.  I
> am able to set the BIOS clock with hwclock --set --date, and get the
> expected result if I try hwclock --show.  The hwclock is called in a
> script from runlevels S, 1, and 6:
> $ ls /etc/rc?.d/*hw*
> /etc/rc0.d/S25hwclock.sh  /etc/rc6.d/S25hwclock.sh  /etc/rcS.d/S50hwclock.sh
> All these links call the script with the `start' argument, and as far
> as I can tell, this should adjust the clock and the system time using
> /etc/adjtime.  Note that if hwclock.sh were called with
> stop|restart|reload, the BIOS clock would be set to the system time, but
> no K..hwclock script exists.  If I reboot after a hwclock --set ...,
> somehow the BIOS clock gets reset to the system time, so that when the
> system comes up again, the BIOS clock trails as much as it did before I
> --set it to the right time.  This is a on a slink system.  Has anyone
> got an idea where the BIOS clock may be reset to its previous value?
> TIA,
> Eric
> -- 
>  E.L. Meijer ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>  Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
>  Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)
> -- 
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