[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alberto Maurizi) wrote:
>       Reinstalled gdm: it works.
>       However, xhost + tells:
>_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
>xhost:  unable to open display ":0.0"
>       and so does any X application launched from an xterminal.
>       Why?    

>From the XFree86 FAQ (http://www.xfree86.org/FAQ/):

# Q.E13- I get an error "_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect:
# errno = 111". What does it mean?
# Whenever the XFree86 Xserver crashes, dies, ceases to exist or is
# inaccessible for any reason, you will see this error message. It is a
# message from an X-client (=any program running on your XFree86
# Xserver, for example the window manager) telling you that it tried to
# connect to your Xserver, but failed to do something for "some" reason.
# Quoting only this message in a bug report is therefore utterly
# useless. Look in the server output for the real reason why the server
# died. Normally you should see the real error message (=why the server
# stopped working) a few lines before the "error 111" message.
# If you still can't make head or tails of all those messages, make sure
# to quote the FULL server output in your bug report. It is impossible
# to provide you with any help, if you just mention the "error 111", as
# so many people do.
# Obtaining the full server output is normally accomplished by
# redirecting both standard output and standard error to a file while
# starting the server (eg, startx <& logfile.txt). On some systems this
# is done by default.

Can you find any more information to give on what's happening to your

Colin Watson                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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