Phil Brutsche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

}There is KOffice (  The folks behind AbiWord
}( are also planning an office suite.  The GNOME
}people may also be trying to put one together, I'm not sure.  All of this
}is GPL.  Unfortunately, none of them are ready for the prime-time, so to

 I keep hearing that from folk.

 In a world where some offices are still using wp51... why would
 anyone that had used any of the above say that?

 Star Office is fine... Abi Word is fine... KDE's got several
 programs that are quite capable... Gnome as well... Along
 with things like Siag office, etc, etc...

 There are several programs available for linux that will do
 file format conversions... scripting languages are there...
 it's easy to do html... in fact easier. There are more pre-processors
 and development environments than you can shake a stick at, etc.

 What are you thinking they need?
  {exile} - {v6.1} - ICQ# 47439354

                                   "It is god's will that I inflame."

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