I've got some good suggestions, and apparently raised a few questions as well.
Let me outline my reasons for asking and what I hope to do:

I've got a CD-RW. I plan to use this for back-ups as well as software
publishing. I've also got a SCSI tape drive, but I'm not quite sure how to use
it yet. I've got / as a 500M partition. This is perfect for putting onto a
bootable CD-RW for emergency recovery. Being new, I've already screwed up my
system to the point where it wouldn't boot. Last time I had to do a complete

I would like to keep the other partitions small enough to put onto just a few
CD's each. Worst-case scenario, I trash a complete partition, I can recover from
just a few CD's. This also makes backing up each partition less work. I also
want to have a few partitions set aside for CD images. I would feel better
having a number of smaller partitions that I can back-up and recover quickly,
plus fsck would run faster, that just a few really big partitions and lots of
sym-links to hide the facts. I've read the multi-disk HOW-TO, as it has some
good info on partitions sizes and such. I've also read the FHS info as well. I
know StarOffice wants to install in /opt, and apt-get uses /var quite heavily. I
expect only three users, and maybe a business account, so mail shouldn't be too
much. At the moment I'm more concerned with being able to recover the various
system and user programmes before I make my next mistake as root, rather than
and user data. This would indicate a good scheme for recovering /usr. Probably
spitting it up may help, as long as my / partition would have enough to recover
the rest of the system in case of catastrophic failure.

Thanks again for your input. I'll have another read of the FHS documents and a
good think.

aphro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 18/01/2000 17:11:52

Sent by:  aphro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To:   Onno Ebbinge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
cc:   Ron Rademaker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, John Gay/IE/[EMAIL PROTECTED],
      debian-user@lists.debian.org,  recipient list not shown: ;
Subject:  Re: New drive ready to partition. Just what some  recommendations and

i do stuff along those lines as well ..i dont understand when i installed
freebsd it reccomended a 20MB /var partition/slice even though i gave it
6.1GB of space. it doesnt make sense to have such small partitions even if
there is nothing on them to me anyways.


On Tue, 18 Jan 2000, Onno Ebbinge wrote:

Onno >Sometimes I don't understand the stratagies used in disk partitioning.
Onno >
Onno >Please correct me if I'm wrong but I always thought that you split
Onno >the partitions by long term usage:
Onno >
Onno >         1- 2 GB  /
Onno >         1- 2 GB  /var
Onno >         1- 4 GB  /var/spool
Onno >         rest on  /home
Onno >
Onno >         Then I link /tmp to /var/tmp
Onno >
Onno >         WHY: The chance that / is being filled by a user
Onno >         is small this way. Email and printing activities
Onno >         are split from other partitions. Logging, tmp and
Onno >         such are split from other partitions. And last but
Onno >         not least home directories are split from other
Onno >         partitions.
Onno >
Onno >Ideas and critical remarks are welcome...
Onno >
Onno >Groetjes,
Onno >
Onno >Onno
Onno >
Onno >At 12:48 PM 1/18/00 +0100, Ron Rademaker wrote:
Onno >>
Onno >>
Onno >>> I recently got a new 13G hard drive. I've installed it as hdb, and
moved my
Onno >>> CD-RW to hdc. At the moment I've got a 6G drive with 2G for WindowsNT,
100M for
Onno >>> /, 1G for /home and 2G for /usr. I really need more room for both /home
Onno >>> /usr, but I also need more space for /var and /opt and some others. I
would like
Onno >>> to make several partitions and use them to my best use, I just wanted
to get
Onno >>> some recommendations from the Expert/Experienced before I partitioned
Onno >>> drive. I also would like to have a few partitions set aside for CD
images as I
Onno >>> hope to start selling Software on CD as well.
Onno >>
Onno >>I don't know if you're willing to reinstall completely or just want to
Onno >>the space, if you're willing to reinstall I would:
Onno >>
Onno >>   1) Your current hd 4 GB on /
Onno >>   2) New hd 5 GB on /home
Onno >>   3) New hd 8 GB on /usr
Onno >>
Onno >>That way you'll have more on /home, /usr, /var and /opt (both /var and
Onno >>/opt will be on /).
Onno >>
Onno >>If you don't want to reinstall you could set a 5 GB on /home and remount
Onno >>your current /home to /var or /opt (whatever you prefer). That way you'll
Onno >>have more on /home and on /var or /opt. Then you create the 8 GB, mount
Onno >>somewhere, cp the /usr to that partition, following you mount your
Onno >>/usr to /var or /opt (just the one you hadn't used) and mount that new
Onno >>partition to /usr. (It'll probably need a reboot because you can't umount
Onno >>your /usr (maybe you can after a init 1 (runlevel 1 single user), I've
Onno >>never tried).
Onno >>
Onno >>Ron
Onno >>
Onno >>
Onno >>--
Onno >>Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
Onno >>
Onno >>
Onno >>
Onno >
Onno >
Onno >--
Onno >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] <
Onno >

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