On Tue, Jan 18, 2000 at 03:01:58AM -0800, Guyren G Howe wrote:
> How do I get out of package hell?
> In trying to install Enlightenment on my Debian/Corel machine, I've got
> myself trapped in all sorts of loops where apt-get, dselect and dpkg all
> refuse to install any of the things I need because they can't install other
> things that those things depend on.
> I've somehow managed to get my X Server uninstalled, and I can't reinstall
> it. I get several screens of errors about things that it can't install, and
> I can't find any way of piping this output to less or anything so I can see
> all the errors. The ones I can see say, for example, that things can't be
> installed because they depend on xfree86-common, which it doesn't get up to
> installing, because of these errors that come up first.
> I've tried everything I can think of. Just now, for example, I told dselect
> to remove everything. Then I told it to install xfree86-common. It complains
> it can't because "cannot open help file
> '/usr/share/doc/xfree-86common/.dhelp'"
> I've tried apt-get update followed by apt-get upgrade, but I just get the
> same errors.
> I thought this whole package thing was supposed to make this stuff easier.
> This makes windows look like something well organised.
> Heeeelp!

First, try "dselect update ; apt-get -f -y dist-upgrade".  It will cause
hell and remove and install a bunch of packages, but it might solve your
dependency problems enough to use dselect again. 

If you're stuck in a mutual dependency loop (I've gotten it with
kernel-image and alsa-modules packages), figure out what everything needs,
make sure you're right, and dpkg --force-depends -i the packages. 

But do this with small groups of packages at a time.

"If you continue running Windows, your system may become unstable."
     -- Windows 95 BSOD

Dwayne C. Litzenberger - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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