> the init process (PID 1) handles serial connections.. make sure that your
> /etc/inittab does not contain any uncommented entries related to
> /dev/ttyS2 and restart inittab (kill -HUP 1) and try again..
> nate

[10:01:33 /tmp]$ grep ttyS2 /etc/inittab 
#s2:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty -i /etc/issue.special ttyS2
S2:23:respawn:/sbin/mgetty ttyS2
[10:02:32 /tmp]$ 

I stopped mgetty-fax, commented the above entry in /etc/inittab, telinit q
and removed the lock file.
Apparently the lock file was created as soon as I restored the S2 entry
to /etc/inittab and telinit q.

Seems to me a bug with mgetty since it should not lock the modem unless
it tests it (previously it used to test it once an hour), dials out or
answers an incoming phone or fax call.

> On Sun, 23 Jan 2000, Shaul Karl wrote:
> shaulk >I believe mgetty-fax or start-stop-daemon and the 
> /etc/init.d/mgetty-fax 
> shaulk >script does not handle the port correctly.
> shaulk >
> shaulk >Does anyone else have it? 
> shaulk >
> shaulk >[03:42:11 /tmp]$ cat /var/lock/LCK..ttyS2 
> shaulk >       623
> shaulk >[03:43:12 /tmp]$ ps 623
> shaulk >  PID TTY      STAT   TIME COMMAND
> shaulk >[03:43:15 /tmp]$ tail /var/log/mgetty/mg_ttyS2.log
> shaulk >01/23 03:38:36 yS2  mod: cannot open line /dev/ttyS2: Device or 
> resource busy
> shaulk >01/23 03:38:36 yS2  open device /dev/ttyS2 failed: Device or resource 
> busy
> shaulk >01/23 03:38:36 yS2  cannot get terminal line dev=ttyS2, exiting: 
> Device or 
> shaulk >resource busy
> shaulk >--
> shaulk >01/23 03:38:36 yS2  mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.21-Jul24
> shaulk >01/23 03:38:36 yS2  check for lockfiles
> shaulk >01/23 03:38:36 yS2  locking the line
> shaulk >01/23 03:38:36 yS2  mod: cannot open line /dev/ttyS2: Device or 
> resource busy
> shaulk >01/23 03:38:36 yS2  open device /dev/ttyS2 failed: Device or resource 
> busy
> shaulk >01/23 03:38:36 yS2  cannot get terminal line dev=ttyS2, exiting: 
> Device or 
> shaulk >resource busy[03:43:28 /tmp]$ ls -l /var/lock/LCK..ttyS2
> shaulk >-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           11 Jan 23 03:43 
> /var/lock/LCK..ttyS2
> shaulk >
> shaulk >
> shaulk >
> shaulk >
> shaulk >-- 
> shaulk >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
> shaulk >
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