Actually, I also tried the command with the following variables: vsound -v -d -t -f and got the same results.


Travis Crump wrote:

Vaughan, Curtis wrote:

Whereas vsound would not record RealAudio on a PowerBook, I am now trying it
on an i686-based computer.

After issuing the command:
vsound -f test.wav realplay

RealPlayer is launched, connects and begins to stream and immediate crashes
with the following output:

/usr/bin/vsound: line 163: 4787 Aborted LD_PRELOAD="$pkglibdir/"

Any ideas how to this problem?

Curtis Vaughan

You have to use the '-t' option for internet streams.

Curtis Vaughan
North Pacific Corporation

Tel: (425) 822-1001
Cell: (206) 423-6979

WashTech (CWA Local 37083)
IWW x353203

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