
does anybody happen to be running NFS between FreeBSD und Linux
successfully and painless?

I've got FreeBSD 3.4S cvsupped xmas or one, maybe two days after,
running as NFS server, while my Linux v2.2.14 box is the client.

On Linux, I mount stuff like this:

$ mount -t nfs -o ro,noauto,user,tcp,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr \
  darkstar:/storage /tmp/storage.darkstar

On the FreeBSD side of the universe, I've got this in /etc/rc.conf:

$ grep -e nfs -e mount /etc/rc.conf
nfs_server_flags="-t -n 4"
mountd_flags="-2 -r"

Ok, so if I get things right, which I think (hopefully) I do, this means
that Linux mounts NFS filesystems via TCP/IP, the FreeBSD server forces
NFS v2 via the "-2" switch given to mountd and the 4 nfsd only serve
stuff via TCP/IP ("-t" argument).

But, stressing my home LAN a little bit the last few days, it happened
to me three times already that the server simply stops serving the fs
(or NFS in general, I didn't check before restarting stuff :-( ),
while it stays perfectly functional in all other ways I can think of.
Ok, it may be that no new/further NFS exported fs may be mounted by
remote machines, I don't know yet, but I can get you current if asked
to. Maybe it is just a regular permission problem that it can't mount
the fs in question via loopback networking.

Restarting nfsd/mountd, whichever order of starting them, doesn't seem
to help, on the Linux box processes accessing the NFS fs still hang.
Having restarted the daemons, I can mount another fs, though.
(Don't know if this works without restarting, sorry. But I can test..)

*Finally* :-)
... finally this is the error message I get on the Linux box syslog:

dante kernel: nfs: server darkstar not responding, still trying

Any ideas on that one?

Is my assumption, that _only_ NFS v2 via TCP/IP, *NOT* UDP, will work
between FreeBSD and Linux, correct? At all? If it ever was?
(I just seem to have remembered this sort of stuff popping up on the
lists and v2/tcp NFS being the solution)

So, is there some help for me?
I don't really know where to look at now..

Thanks for your valueable time, if you actually read this far :-))



 thomas.                                .powered.by.debian/linux.

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