> Hello there!
>   I own an AST ADVANTAGE! pc. It worked perfectly
> until I formatted the hard disk(c:\).I typed "FORMAT
> C:\" at the C:\ prompt in a desperate attempt to free
> disk space and reinstall windows.
>   But I noticed that when I restarted my pc,It asked
> for a "system disk". After I inserted it and got
> access to the A:\ prompt,I tried changing to drive C:
> but it keeps on giving me a message like "invalid
> drive specification".
>   Now it seems I have completely wiped out my hard
> drive.
> Please help.
> __________________________________________________

Can fdisk see it? Perhaps the format somehow wiped the partition
information, and you need to re-fdisk it.

Also, some older BIOSes (I don't know how old the AST ADVANTAGE! is)
could not see all of a drive if the drive was bigger than 512MB or so.
If this is the case, there may be some overlay software still installed
on the drive that is causing problems. Again, fdisk should be your
friend. (Don't forget the "fdisk /mbr" option for good measure.)

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