I am stumbling through gnome, etc. in Slink. HELP.
GNOME comes up when I type startx.
__ But the desktop is way too large. 
__The applications I would start with icons on the upper lefthand side of the
desktop don't work.
__Help doesn't work. THe error message says I need dox. But apt-get install
dox doesn't bring it to me despite using --fix-missing.
__Config(something) doesn't work. Same problem as above.
__I am using enlightenment, but I can't seem to configure it as I can in 
Linux Mandrake. 
__I can't use my mouse buttons. No response from the right or center buttons.

__No netscape no matter what I do with apt-get install.
I do have GIMP, Eeyes, Emacs, tkrat, ppp.
Any ideas? Anyone? helpppppppp

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