On Thu, 27 Jan 2000, David Blackman wrote:

david >Hey All,
david > I desperatley need help with my new voodoo banshee card. I
david >finally got X working, sort of, and fixed the consoel by using the
david >server from 3dfx. But I can't get glide to work.

maybe i can help..

david >The debs are hopelessly broken:
david >Sorry, but the following packages have unmet dependencies:
david >  libglide2-v3: Depends: device3dfx-module but it is not installable

2 options here.  1 is to go get the Device3dfx rpm, and issue a rpm
--rebuild to it, and install it, then use --force-depends to force install
glide. i wouldnnt reccomend this may cause trouble.(might not but never
know...)  the other is to go get the RPMs of both Device3Dfx and glide and
recompile them(i suggest getting the source and compiling not the
binaries) and installing.  and the last(yes i know i cant count) i can
send you my binaries of the module and or glide and you can install it.  i
can also send the X server i use (also compiled from source).  works great
on both voodoo banshee and vd3 2000.  However it does NOT appear to work
on my socket 7 system, the only 3DFX accelerated X server i can get to
work on that is XF86 3.3.3 ..ive tried 3.3.4 3.3.5 and 3.3.6 all give the
same errors (could not mmap framebuffer (device not configured))

david >Also, teh kernel module just tells me 3dfx: unable to set MTRR 

i had this too, you have to load the 3dfx module AFTER you load X in this
case..on my main system it loads fine before X, but on my socket 7 box
with XF86 3.3.3 i have to load it after or i get that error(using caldera
openlinux 2.2 on it since it was already XF86 3.3.3 based)

david >If you have a voodoo banshee or voodoo3 working under debian, please
david >let me know.

ive spent weeks working with this so if u need more help lemme know.


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