I recently installed Gnome (1.0.5x) on my Debian (Potato) system and am
managing to get everything configured as I like it.

Each time I log on using GDM or KDM I get a Gnome message telling me
that Gnome cannot find the internet address for scgf (my system

My /etc/hosts contains:       localhost scgf.gmx.net scgf

If I do 'hostname' on the command line I get 'scgf'. Everything works
fine elsewhere on the system. I receive email using fetchmail and Exim.
I always assume if Exim works OK and sorts/delivers local and remote
mail correctly then the system must be configured correctly.

I use a dial-up ISP with dynamic IP address allocation via a V90 modem.
I have no networking cards as this is a stand-alone PC.

Any ideas?


Phillip Deackes
Debian Linux 

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