"Suresh Kumar.R" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I installed debian 2.0 successfully with tetex. When I compile a package
> with seminar package used, it says seminar.cls not found. But I have
> installed the tetex-src package and seminar.cls is there in the system. 
> So, what to do?

Probably you know the following already, but otherwise ...

1) Does your TeX file begin with "\documentstyle" or "\documentclass"? If it 
begins with "\documentstyle", you use an obsolete version of LaTeX. In that 
case, either look for a file "seminar.sty" or upgrade to LaTeX2e.

2) There is a possibility that this file is not included in "database files"
called "ls-R", and on which TeX relies when searching for packages etc. If
your seminar.cls resides on a legal place, you can update the database files 
with a command "mktexlsr". After the upgrade TeX should be able to find your 
class file.

Paul Huygen

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