OK, I've figured out (at least partially) what is going on. dselect is 
working just fine and so is everything else, except the actual CD. I gave 
up on dselect and rebooted, then mounted the debian CD and discovered 
that my system sees all the folders on it as just plain text files. 
That's why it can't find the directories when I direct it to them.
This is probably my fault, though I'm not exactly sure why. I downloaded 
the cd image from the debian ftp site and made a CD. I was sure to make 
it 9660 format and can see all the files and folders on it with my Mac, I 
just can't get to them with the Linux box.

Has anyone made a CD for 68K Mac from this image before? Is so, what is 
the secret. I tried making another disk at only 2x speed and that didn't 
work either. I know I have a complete valid CD image, I just can't copy 

David Kachel

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