Hi all,

i have a problem posting news with the above mentioned Programs.
Reading news is no problem, but when i try to post something slrn
hangs with "posting...".

In my /etc/news/nntp_access:
localhost               both            post

and slrn outputs on start:
slrn (Jan  9 2000 17:07:57)

Reading startup file /etc/news//slrn.rc.
Reading startup file /home/dschoen/.slrnrc.
Using newsrc file .jnewsrc for server localhost.
Connecting to host localhost ...
Connected to host.  Posting Ok.
Checking for new groups ...
Checking news via active file ...

any help is appreciated

| Dennis Schoen                   | "Contrary to popular belief,
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]           |  UNIX is a user-friendly Operating
| http://www.gt.owl.de/~dschoen/  |  System. It's just choosey about
| +49-5207-923701                 |  who its friends are."

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