On Sun, Jan 30, 2000 at 09:33:02AM -0800, joseph de los santos wrote:
> what is the difference between frozen, potato, and unstable. arent they 
> all the same?

"potato", as well as "slink" and "woody", are code names for the various
Debian releases.

Slink is currently designated as stable, meaning that it's been tested
and everything works well. The only updates will be for security
purposes or important bugfixes.

Potato is currently designated frozen, which means that no new packages
will be accepted. All bugs are being fixed in preparation for a stable
designation, if you have the skills and feel like helping you can
install potato, look for bugs, and file reports (preferably with
patches), or even go through the BTS and submit patches for outstanding
bug reports. (This isn't to say you can't use it if you don't have
bug-fixing skills, of course).

Woody is currently designated as unstable. Major new versions of
packages, completely new packages, massive reorganizations, policy
updates, and other things that can cause big trouble happen here. Feel
free to use it if you want, but be prepared for possible breakage and
please file bug reports!

At the moment, potato and frozen are the same. Earlier in the month,
potato and unstable were the same, and there was no frozen at that
point. Sometime in the future potato and stable will be the same.

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