>     Jan 29 16:08:45 raven pppd[2118]: rcvd [CCP ResetReq id=0x4]
>     Jan 29 16:08:45 raven pppd[2118]: sent [CCP ResetAck id=0x4]
>     Jan 29 16:08:55 raven pppd[2118]: rcvd [CCP ResetReq id=0x5]
>     Jan 29 16:08:55 raven pppd[2118]: sent [CCP ResetAck id=0x5]
>     Jan 29 16:08:55 raven pppd[2118]: rcvd [Compressed data] 
>         00 5e 82 34 c4 0b c1 0d ...
>     Jan 29 16:08:55 raven pppd[2118]: sent [CCP ResetReq id=0x2]
>     Jan 29 16:08:56 raven pppd[2118]: rcvd [CCP ResetAck id=0x2]

Still not sure where these are coming from, but someone from a local
LUG told me to turn off debugging  (remove the word debug from
/etc/chatscripts/*, /etc/ppp/options, ~/.ppprc).  I tried this
and no longer had this problem.

Another solution is to put 'noccp' in my ~/.ppprc, which turns off
compression, but that's not really a good idea IMO.

Does anyone know why printing debug output would cause pppd to fail
in this way?

Christopher S. Swingley           tel: 907-474-2689 fax: 474-2643
930 Koyukuk Drive, Suite 408C     email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Alaska Fairbanks    www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu:8080/
Fairbanks, AK  99775                     ~cswingle

PGP key: http://www.frontier.iarc.uaf.edu:8080/~cswingle/pubkey.asc

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