Quoting Marc Sherman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Does /tmp have to be physically located on the boot
> partition, or can it be a symlink to /var/tmp on another
> partition?  I've seen conflicting statements in different
> references/howtos/manpages - some say that the link works,
> and others say that the boot process needs temp space, and
> uses /tmp for that purpose, so it needs to be on the boot
> partition.  Does anyone have conclusive proof (ie: a working
> system of their own) that the symlink to /var/tmp works?

I have working slink boxes with tmp -> foo/tmp, var -> foo/var and
home -> foo/home with foo being a separately mounted partition.


Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
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