On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Pavel Epifanov wrote:

> Please, remove this command (--systohc).

I disagree.

I run several Debian servers, each synced by NTP. Each of them is rarely
rebooted, however, when it happens, I can't risk that the RTC time went
haywire during their long uptime. The --systohc is a must for me as I need
to carry (almost) precise time across the reboot.

(For those who are about to suggest me that I use  ntpdate at boot
time: No, it doesn't work because the Internet connection may be down
during the reboot.)

Anyway, I think that the original message was only about --adjust, not
--systohc. Both of them are pretty safe unless you have your clock set
to local time and experince a crash after the DST change. In such case
those unaware of the auto-adjusting feature are likely to get bitten after
they set their clock again.

However, as both actions (i.e., --adjust at startup and --systohc at
shut down) can be made configurable, I don't clearly understand why we
have to argument about it here for so long at all. Let everybody use what
he needs most.


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