OK, i admit it, the FM's are daunting on this one, and I failed
the last time I tried.  But someone else must have tried this.

I want to set up lynx as its own external viewer for html.  Thatis,
I want it to launch a new xterm with a new instance of lynx when I
type period on a link.

This shouldn't be too hard, but I also assume that other people
have already done the same thing. 

(Why, you ask?  Because when I'm reading anews site, I like launching
external viewers as I flip through the choices, and then reading them 
all, rather than waiting for all the pages to load.  And now that
I've moved the system to potato, 24Mb just isn't cutting it.  I've 
moved even further to the command line, to the point where to remove
the messages from cron to a quiz email account, it struck me as 
reasonable to type

 time /usr/bin/mh/rmm `/usr/bin/mh/scan | grep Cron | sed 
-e's/^\(....\).*$/\1/' | tr '\n' ' ' `
. . .)

Also, has anyone dinked around with the color?  I can get -nocolor to
work, but I'd rather -blink -- I need a light backgroundwith dark 
colors on this monitor (I also need a space key, a p key, and a k key 
[err, the switches, not the keytops.])

Seeing the docs about needing slang support, I've installed to compile
(a scary thought on this poor little machine), figuring to 
see what it does by morning.


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