At the lilo prompt, try

append "aha152x=iobase[,irq[,scsi-id,[,reconnect[,parity]]]]"

To make my SB16-SCSI card with CD-ROM drive visible, I use

append "aha152x=0x340,11,7,1"


On Thu, Feb 03, 2000 at 19:58, Todd Suess wrote:
> Greetings folks,
> I have an Adaptec 152x SCSI card attached to a Archive Python DAT drive.
> This all works fine in windows, but in Debian it is trying to assign the 
> wrong IRQ to
> the adapter card, thus the tape drive never gets detected.  All relevant 
> kernel modules
> have been compiled into the kernel, which is 2.2.13 on Potato/Woody 
> hybrid.  The
> address range for the card is correct, but Debian is looking for the card 
> on IRQ 12 when
> it is really on IRQ 9.  What do I need to change to tell it to look on the 
> correct irq?  I don't
> believe I had to set the address range when I compiled the kernel, it 
> seemed to find it on
> it's own.  Any help would be most appreciated.
> Thanks!
> Todd
> -- 
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