On Thu, Feb 03, 2000 at 04:55:34PM -0700, Gary Hennigan wrote:
> I thought I saw this discussed at some point in the past but can't
> find it in the archives, so, if this is a repeat forgive me.
> I just installed the kernel-source package for the 2.2.14 kernel from
> potato. I used make-kpkg to build up the kernel and now when I go into
> dselect it shows that the kernel-image-2.2.14 that I just built and
> installed is in the section Obsolete/local. Why is that?

Because dselect can't find it in any of the package lists it downloaded,
it assumes it's either obsolete or local. And local it is.

On my system, i've set up a directory /usr/local/debs to store my local
packages, since i don't like them showing up as obsolete/local. In order
to do this, you need to have dpkg-dev installed for the
dpkg-scanpackages command.

 * Copy the Release file from a Debian mirror, and edit to suit. It's
   not complicated.
 * You'll also need an override file (mine is named "override.local") in
   the format specified in the dpkg-scanpackages manpage. i believe this
   file may be empty. You'll get a warning about packages that don't
   have an entry here. The only time you really need one is when the
   package doesn't contain locating information of its own; without an
   override entry, it'll end up in section "none".
 * Execute these two commands, the cd is important. Change the directory
   and override to suit your setup, of course.
     # cd /usr/local/debs
     # dpkg-scanpackages . override.local > Packages
 * Finally, add a line like this to your apt sources.list:
     deb file:/usr/local/debs /

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