flost wrote:
> Hello!
> I wanna run a ATI 3D Rage PRO AGP 2x in Debian, Ver. 2.1, but it doesn`t
> work...the best result: The screen is repeated 4 times...how can I fix
> that...I had already a look to the XFree86.org FAQ and have searched in the
> debian mailing archive, but I didn`t found anything usable for my
> graphic-card.
> Who can help me? If you need more information, please let me know!

Have you tried to use the latest version of XFree86 ( 3.3.6 ) and the
XF86_Mach 64 x- server ?

You may get these at :  http://www.debian.org/~vincent

Put this URI only in /etc/apt/sources.list :

deb http://www.debian.org/~vincent/ xfree-update main

Then,  apt-get update

       apt-get upgrade

       apt-get install xserver-mach64
        apt-get clean



Howard Mann                   Online Troubleshooting Resources: HOWTO
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