On Fri, Feb 04, 2000 at 03:53:49PM +0000, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> Ron Rademaker wrote:
> >A few days ago I posted this:
> >
> >========================================================================
> >I've made it, from a windows pc I can call in to my linuxserver that uses
> >ISDN but, there's a connection but theer's no communication. The type of
> >Nobody answered... is this question really that difficult???
> Your subject line was too vague.  There's so much traffic on the lists
> that people tend to skim the subjects for things that are relevant to
> them.  A better title would have been "ISDN connection problems", which
> would have a better chance of being read by someone who understood
> the problem. 
> For specific help, I suggest you mail the isdnutils maintainer,
> Paul Slootman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  In general, you can reach any

No offence intended, but in general:
P(A)=1/#Reposts, and P(A==RTFM)=#Reposts/5, (approximately anyway).
People on this list are very good at responding if they know what the
problem is. If you don't get a response then either people don't know,
or you haven't specified the problem too well.

Also, it's easier if you split up your question a little more (use
paragraphs as well):

Breif description.
What you have tried to do about it, and error messages obtained.
_Relevent_ configs.
What HOWTO's you've read.

I don't use ISDN myself, but if I was having trouble, I would start by
looking in NET3-4-HOWTO.txt.gz and Networking-Overview-HOWTO.txt.gz
(/usr/doc/HOWTO/ in slink or /usr/share/doc/HOWTO/[lang]/ in potato)
You've probably done this already, but just in case you haven't...


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