On Fri, 4 Feb 2000 17:27:00 -0800 (PST), [EMAIL PROTECTED] was crying out from somewhere about: HELP: FTP through squid proxy wants to get ENTIRE area under /
You should try wget -r --no-parent ftp://..... --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Junichi Uekawa, a.k.a. dancer a member of the Dept. of Knowledge Engineering and Computer Science Doshisha University. ... Trying to run Debian and trying to maintain it. ferret> ferret> It didn't do this to me with the previous set of images, but this go ferret> around I'm getting stuff outside the tree I specify: ferret> ferret> # wget -r ftp://marcus.debian.net/pub/debian/disks-sparc/2000-02-04/ ferret> ferret> .... ferret> ferret> # du ferret> ferret> 912 ./marcus.debian.net/pub/dce-patches ferret> 3 ./marcus.debian.net/pub/sxid/deb ferret> 4 ./marcus.debian.net/pub/sxid/old ferret> 18 ./marcus.debian.net/pub/sxid ferret> 48580 ./marcus.debian.net/pub ferret> 2 ./marcus.debian.net/bin ferret> 2 ./marcus.debian.net/etc ferret> 2 ./marcus.debian.net/lib ferret> ferret> I did move my proxy and modem to a different machine, but I copied ferret> /etc/squid.conf right over and initialised it, so that shouldn't be it. ferret> ferret> Suggestions?