Hay Eric,

without details on what you tried and what you have it's a bit
difficult to guess what anwser you need:) But I like guessing so...

You need a driver to be able to print. In stock debian systems
such a driver is compiled as a module named lp. You have to tell
the system to use this module. To do so run as root:

# modconf

select "misc" and then "lp"

You are then allowed to enter some parameters to the lp module.
Depending on your hardware you might try something like "io=0,irq=7"
This tells the lp module to look for a parellel printer and find the
port himself and use irq 7. If your printer-port uses a different
irq fill that one in (you can check the printerport setting under

Now it must be possible as root to do things like

# echo "hallo" >/dev/lp0

(replace lp0 with lp1 if you are running an older version of debian)

If this works it's about time to install an lp daemon, e.g. lprng, and
a printer filter, e.g. magicfilter.

Hopes this helps, otherwise try giving us more details:)

groetjes, carel

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