> Hi All,
> I've got a PostScript doc, which is incorrectly formated - the usable part
> uses a small rectangle on each page (on each page the same, but not centered
> on the page), and the margines are sometimes occupied by random writings, and
> sometimes not. I have no sources, so I can't generate it correctly.
> The psresize fails to handle it correctly - when enlarging, it moves part of
> the usable area outside the page and leaves some rubbish on it :-(.
> I need an utility, where I could specify not only the change of size, but also
> the X and Y offset, by which the page should be shifted in the output.
> Does anybody know such a beast?

pstops can do things like that.  It requires very thorough study of the
man page, and if the PS document is really shaky, your only option left
is to learn postscript (it is a computer language, not just a format)
and start debugging.  If you can do that, you will be highly esteemed
in hacker circles (but probably have lost joy in life ;).


 Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
 Lab. for Catalysis and Inorg. Chem. (SKA)

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