> Debian,
>         I have been asking this question for a while now, on your newsgroups 
> and the debian chatroom. And so far no one has even offered an answer. My 
> question is this: Why is it that the gnome-apt package from the Potato, or 
> Frozen, distribution is dependant on a package that doesn't exist and has 
> never existed? I recently built several linux systems for some customers, and 
> on  the first two, gnome-apt installed fine, with no dependance errors. The 
> last few came up with gnome-apt, a package that my customers need quite 
> badly, having a dependance failure. It required libapt-pkg2.6. Yet, upon 
> investigation, the libapt-pkg2.6 package does not exist, according to your 
> web based package lookup tool. Is there any chance I can get this package, in 
> whatever unstable state it exists? Or could I have the source code for this 
> package, so that I can compile and install the library myself? I would 
> really, really appreciate it. :) Thanx!
> Jon Rista


I would say that you need to fill out a Bug report via the web site.  At least 
this way if the maintainer does have the package it is depends on, he could 
publish it, or point you to the solution.


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