Marko Cehaja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Does somebody know how to set up tex/latex system on slink?
> While doing simple configurations I always get errors like
> tex.fmt not found or latex.fmt not found.
> So I can't convert *.tex files via latex nor use LyX.
> I tried with FAQ suggestions to create tex.fmt and it didn't
> work. Who has experienced similar problem regarding the
> configuration of tex/latex on slink?
> Please help it is very important for me to have running latex on my
> system.

Believe it or not, this is a Y2K bug in TeX/LaTeX. You need to upgrade
to a newer version. Last I heard you could pick up a fixed version for
slink in the proposed updates. Download the tetex*.deb files from

or use your favorite mirror, and install them via dpkg -i tetex*.deb.


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