use samba, see for the docs, get the latest CVS release for
domain support for nt machines too.  i find it better then the production


On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Aigars Mahinovs wrote:

aigari >It seems to me that this msg didn't get it to the list first time, so
aigari >I'm resending it.
aigari >
aigari >Hi all!
aigari >
aigari >I'm asked to make an authorisation server for a network of Win9x
aigari >machines. I want Windozed PC to contact Linux PC at Windows login
aigari >and logout. I was said it can be done by netlogon to WinNT domain.
aigari >But I want to put Debian on that server.
aigari >Also I need to block some Inet traffic and log the rest of it.
aigari >Also a SLIP/PPP server providing callback feature whould do some help.
aigari >Please cc to me when replying.
aigari >
aigari >Thanks alot.
aigari >
aigari >Aigarius.
aigari >
aigari >
aigari >
aigari >-- 
aigari >Unsubscribe?  mail -s unsubscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED] < /dev/null
aigari >

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