On Thu, Feb 10, 2000 at 01:03:54AM -0800, davidturetsky generated a stream of 
1s and 0s:
> I plan to convert some c/c++ from a Windows/Visual C++ environment to gcc 
> under Linux. I may also use cgicc in some applications
> I've glanced through the info files and while helpful, omits a lot of 
> information that would expedite the process
> Are there any good books or other documentation available
> Thanks,
> David

I think a nice starting point would be www.linuxdoc.org. You can find
some Linux programming docs there. Check your /usr/doc dir. The compiler
documentation is pretty much just the compiler documentation. After
reading some general *nix programming stuff, you could read glibc
documentation, and other libraries documentation you'll need. If you are
new to Linux and a coder, probably your first impression will be 'Why
did I ever use anything less, this is nothing short of amazing!?'
Get the truth or risc frying your brains! --> www.truthinlabeling.org <--
  • gcc davidturetsky
    • dan

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