> debs,
> i've been using a few boxes at work for learning and using
> dlinux.  before i roll out a new box (for myself),  i need to
> make the ones i had been using 100% windoze--or in other words, i
> need to free-up  the part of the hard drives linux was using.
> with the rescue disk, i already deleted the linux
> partition/data;  but after i formatted c:\, i still get a
> extended partition that fdisk cannot delete.  (example:  in one
> of the boxes, i have a 2.5gb hard drive.  i used 2gb for hda1 and
> swap, leaving .5gb for windoze.  after reformatting, i still only
> show c:\ as being .5gb, instead of 2.5gb.  i need c:\ to see the
> other 2gb.)
Under Windows drive C:\ is the first partition on the first drive on the first 
controller.  Thats what you're seeing here.  If you wish to have the whole 
disk for Windows (IMHO, a bad idea) I reccomend that you write the whole disk 
with zeros, and then install Windows fresh.  If thats not an option, make 
drive D:\ on the remaining portion of the drive.


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