David wrote:
> I decided not to use the CD, figuring that if they got that
> wrong, the rest was not likely to be OK either. I borrowed a Cheap
> Bytes Slink CD at work.

I wonder if this would explain the very silly situation that I cannot
get online with an install from that CD. I've decided to give up on
Debian until potato goes stable (or however you say that).

And in case, you missed my earlier whines, I have had all kinds of
good advice about solving my ppp problem. Nothing works, neither
wvdial nor pon will stay online after the first few seconds.

> The book is for newbies only. It is very good for newbies, but it
> provided few answers to questions I had.

As somewhat of a newbie, it was helpful. But I thought it was pretty
thin for the price.

Lane Lester / Madison County, Georgia USA

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